Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Support The New "Talk To A Friend" Outreach!

Imagine being a young woman, about twenty-two years old, struggling on your own, making under $12,000 a year. Your get pregnant and your boyfriend either abandons you or pressures you to get an abortion. 

42% of women fall into this sort of profile. They earn under 100% of the poverty line. They are aged between 20 and 24. And they are overwhelmed. Most were barely making ends meet before they got the news about pregnancy. For a few hundred dollars and in just a couple of hours time, this woman could be free of the "problem" forever (so she feels) and just get on with her life.

What could help a woman in this scenario? I've been researching this demographic of women to find out what they want and need. The result is a new online outreach idea: Talk To A Friend. 

"Talk To A Friend" now has a facebook page and a blog. We've reserved talktoafriend.org and info@talktoafriend.org is a working email address now. Although it will take a while to get all the components running and polished, it is okay to link to the Facebook page and blog now.

Sponsored by 1st Way, "Talk To A Friend" websites  have no direct mention of abortion, 1st way or any other crisis pregnancy center, although some do have a link. These sites are designed to be warm, friendly and comfortable places for women to go to get support. Some of our former clients will be volunteer peer support workers. An extended list of resources will be kept, so that the women can get the help they need to keep their child. Through this resource, women will be referred to 1st Way, but reason for this effort is to make the experience more appealing and welcoming to them.

Please subscribe to http://talktoanewfriend.blogspot.com and "like" http://www.facebook.com/Talktoafriend?ref=hl. Share both links. Pass them on in emails. Please do all you can to help and support "Talk To A Friend."

Thank you!

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