Monday, October 14, 2013

1st Way Needs Volunteers- Join us!

When I volunteered for 1st Way of Eugene, I found it to be a mind-expanding and heart-expanding experience.

I didn't know that much about pregnancy or pro-life issues. I remember the day Terry hired me, she stacked my arms up with brochures and articles and said, "Take this home and read this!" Of course, she didn't mean to read it all at once. She only wanted me to have the resources I needed to counsel women who had questions, and that learning still continues to this day.

Part of my training was simply to answer questions- never to give unsolicited education or information. Working there, I was happy to see that fellow counselors were warm and positive and just trying to find ways to be helpful. No family support? Financial struggles? Healthcare concerns? How can we connect women to the resources they need? How can we be there for her when she is scared and upset and just wants someone to talk to? How can we help make her life a little better?

Being a crisis pregnancy counselor at 1st Way is about being an educator when women have questions. Working for 1st Way was also heart-expanding for me.  I saw some happy women who realized it was possible to find resources they needed to carry their babies to term. I loved putting together layettes for new mothers and getting to know people.

Being a volunteer at 1st Way is only a three hour commitment per week and all training is provided. I knew nothing when I started and now I can't seem to learn enough information. It's really satisfying to know that you are serving the needs of pregnant women and their unborn babies. Ultimately, you don't know the decision she will make when she walks out the door. But, you will know that you told her the truth and showed her it is possible to find life-affirming ways to cope with unplanned pregnancy.

CALL 541.687.8651 to find out more about how you can help.