Can you imagine the impact if each of you shared or re-tweeted 1st Way blogs and messages?
Believe it or not, a few clicks every day can sometimes even do more to serve mothers and save babies than donating money or diapers.
Social media is a way we can reach many more women in our community and send them through our doors where we can help them.
Recently, I visited college pro-life clubs and also church youth groups and I asked them what they or their friends would do first if they thought they might be pregnant.
#1 Answer: They would google "pregnancy symptoms" on their cell phone.
The better our social media presence, them more likely they are to find us and that can be worth more than money. Please share your time to forward, share and re-tweet our announcements.
I did some research recently and examined close to fifty online crisis pregnancy center websites and I'd say only about 10% are social media "linked and literate." Google "pregnancy symptoms" and you will see Planned Parenthood high on the first page of results.
We have to stay competitive in this age. Lives are on the line.
I need your help. I cannot do it alone.
Your clicks, shares, re-tweets and likes can help more than you know.
For Donors-
For Women-
Join a Facebook community that is learning how to tweet together-
1st Way Blog for Women-
Other Announcements
First Way continues to need volunteers for our office and training is provided. Commitment can be as small as a three hour a week shift. Call our center at 541.687.8651 and ask to speak with our director, Terry Ianora.
Currently, I'm working on redesigning the First Way website. It's going to look a bit like our parent organization, The National Life Center.
I patterned our new layout and colors after theirs, for a sense of
continuity, only ours reflects our local presence, personality and
message. The new site should be complete by the end of the month.
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